The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Geekiest Day of My Life

Yes, that's right- this may be the geekiest day...EVER. I'm sure you're wondering "But, you seem so geeky already. You refer to made-up dinosaurs, and Star Wars, and are in medical school." Yes, yes, these are all true. However, I managed to surpass normal geek levels today. *Insert flashback music and fuzzy picture*
So, as part of class we have journal club every couple days and we have to read a selected article from a scientific journal and discuss it. The first journal club day was today, so we had to read this article about using NMR to determine the 3D structure of the native prion protein. Of course, at this point I was really excited because reading about prions (the agent that causes mad cow disease, scrapie, etc.) has been sort of a hobby. The fact that I was excited should have been a tip-off...
At journal club we start discussing the article and I'm a total nerd. I'm throwing out other info not in the paper, I even brought in a model of the 3D structure of the infectious and native prion proteins side-by-side. I tried to refrain myself and make sure other people talked, however after this class was over, the other ppl in my small group started asking me if I had done research in this area. I explained that I was interested in this stuff, etc. and they were relieved...I guess they just thought I was "that kid," yknow, the one who does super-extra background info for everything. The guy next to me told me that before I mentioned I had done stuff previously, he thought he was gonna have to find another place to sit next time.
Shesh. I'm such a dork.

Unrelated, I would suggest everyone try sugar snap peas as a snack. They're like candy. Yummy vegetable candy...


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