The U2 gods must be angry...
So last night I was studying for an exam I had this morning. Like I usually do when I study, I had the tv on. I have one of those tv/vcr combos in my room right now since I live in an Eastern European prison. Currently in the vcr is my U2 tape (well actually I have more than one, but I digress) because I put The Killers' SNL performance on it. Anyway, at one point I tried to change the channel and the remote didn't seem to be working. However, I could still adjust the volume. I thought it was weird, but I didn't want to waste the brainpower figuring it out. A little while later the vcr starts clicking. Of course I know what that means, the tape has gotten to the end and since I was watching tv, it wasn't playing which only leaves one option, it was recording. At this point I have an instant heart attack at the thought of erasing U2. So, I rewind the tape. Ok, first U2 show on there is fine. Ok, U2's SNL stuff is fine. The next songs are The Killers on SNL. I thought I was ok since the beginning is on it. But, before the first song is over, random commercials come on. I think it's odd that I have never taped over anything before and the first time it happens is a couple days after I put another band on my U2 tape. I think the U2 gods were angry. I guess I'll have to sacrifice a goat or a virgin...
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