The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Still Sick, but Sudafed is nice...

I had heard Sudafed makes you a little "wired." However, I had never really thought about it until I started dosing myself up because I'm sick. I hate being sick, I think most people do. ;) However, Sudafed's like magic...
I just took my Immunology exam, and I'm exhausted, but yet I still feel kinda hyper. Eeeeeeee!

We started Developmental Biology and the start of this class has coincided with this "email war" about whether things like the morning after pill are abortifacients. My take on the rgument in short: Abortion is the expulsion of an embryo or fetus. Morning after pill prevents implantation. However, you don't have an embryo until implantation. Therefore, it isn't an abortifacient. Whether or not it's wrong anyway is up to you. (In other words, please don't tell me how you feel about abortion, since I find that those types of discussions are generally non-productive and just plain annoying.)

Anyway, I just wanted to mention that I miss you all and can't wait to come back for Thanksgiving.


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