The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Older, though the jury's still out on the "wiser" part

Had a birthday, since I am now 24, I'll deem it a success. Went with some friends to a Thai restaurant and then had ice cream cake at the apartment. I still can't believe I've had my birthday this year, it still feels like May to me...
but obviously, it's July. Finished up the clinical part of Ob/Gyn and have a standardized patient exam tomorrow and then the Shelf exam on Friday. I also still have some paperwork to do, I guess I'm really bad about that kinda stuff which doesn't bode well, lol.
After that, it's time to study for the Boards. Honestly, it's terrifying. It's a long and tough exam and how I do will make a difference in where I go for residency. I signed up to take it at the end of August and I think I'm gonna plan on 6 day weeks until then. They'll be a nice break when my family comes out in late July. I can't wait to see them, it's been awhile. :(

Happy 4th!


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