The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Birthday Update

My birthday was Sunday and now I'm a whopping 23 years old. Chris came out to visit me on Saturday (and left Monday, so it was a short visit). It was nice to have him around on my birthday since I didn't get to see him on my bday last year. Anyway, I picked Chris up and drove straight to IKEA and he got me the kitchen table (and 2 chairs) that I wanted. It's a nice black metal/glass table and I had been drooling over it for awhile... Now I just need 4 more chairs and then I'll have a complete kitchen set. Sunday we went down to Alexandria to hang out. Kennon and Liz got me the cutest monkey slippers (they have bows!), although I suspect the impetus of this gesture was mainly Liz's, so thanks. :) Hooray for monkey slippers!! I bought a Carvel ice cream cake and while I was happy to have ice cream cake, I think everyone agreed that Dairy Queen's cakes are better. We had dinner at this great Irish Pub called Pat Troy's and I had a flank steak marinated in Guinness (the beer, not the book of records). I think everyone was happy with their food AND the owner came over and talked to us. He's just the cutest Irish man...

I also owe a "thanks" to Nikhil for the birthday shout-out on his website. :) Sadly, we're not the same age anymore...but now he lives on the East Coast...hooray!


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