Queen of Amino Acids
We had our first test this morning. There were open and closed book sections. I totally kicked those amino acids' butts in the closed book section. The closed book section was mostly just the stuff we had to memorize like all the amino acids, their 3 and 1 letter codes, and their functionalities. How tryptophan's 1 letter code became W, I guess I'll never know. Anyway, the test in general was tough, but fair. I guess I'll wait and see how I do. I'm exhausted from staying up late and getting up early, but alas we still have class today. I do now have 1 1/2 hrs of free time before lectures (hooray!) but that's probably not enough time for a nap. If I had to pick a word to describe med school so far, I think I'd go with "intense." There just isn't time for things...like sleeping and breathing. But, it's finally stuff that I do want to learn. Well, ok not yet, but soon.
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