The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

An update on what's new

1) New pope! Eeee! Pope Benedict XVI. I don't actually know if I like him yet, he's rumored to be a bit of a "hard-ass" So, once I formulate an opinion...I'll let you know...I know you'll be waiting with anticipation
2) Felicia came to visit me so she could check out Hopkins. Sadly, she left today... :(
3) I took the Epi (as in Epidemiology) exam Monday so now that class is over...also sad. :(
4) Now we're in the last class of the year...hooray! Unfortunately, this class last until June!
5) I can't remember if I told everyone how excited I was that DA Henderson was coming to speak to our class...cuz I was...and I still AM. I brought my book to class and had him sign it. Yep, I'm that kid.
6) Alright, there are more things, but I have to get ready for supper.


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