This appeals to my love of order...
Look! per letter of the alphabet...genius!
A - Age you got your first kiss: While I had boyfriends...I was a bit of an ice 18 (cuz I'm pretty sure that one in kingergarden doesnt count...)
B - Band listening to right now: *hurries to put on some music* Garbage...I'm listening to the new single since I have yet to aquire the album.
C - Crush: Chris...and Angelina...
D - Dad's name: David
E - Easiest person to talk to: Chris...and Angelina...
F - Favorite singer at the moment: hmm, that's a tough one...I am particularly entranced with the vocal stylings of Low Millions, The Killers, and Snow Patrol at the moment
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears? Worms are good for experiments (transplanting one head onto another worm's body) Bears are good for...well...let's just say that in high school each one of the colors corresponded to a different Backstreet Boy...
H - Hometown: I suppose that would be Yankton, SD. I was born there and my parents live there now, though I'm not sure I lived there consistently enough to call that my "hometown"
I - Instruments: Cello, piano, voice, I used to play the flute too
J- Junior High: Sacred Heart
K - Kids: Umm...I like them? I'll have some at some point, though I'm hoping for less than the 5 that my parents had...that's probably too many.
L - Longest car ride ever: continuous? I'm not actually sure. My family likes to drive on family vacations so I've spent a lot of time in a 7 passenger mini-van. Of course that involves less "direct" travel and more slow I suppose the longest direct ride was from Yankton to Atlanta with Kortney. :)
M - Mom's name: Tina
N - Nicknames: Lissa, Lis, Cuteasaurus, Porn Star (that's from high school and a long story), "Woman get over here and make me a pie" Wait...that's not a nickname...
O - One wish: More wishes
P - Phobia[s]: Sharks (even in swimming pools), "cold-calling" (or using the phone to call ppl who aren't expecting a call)
Q - Quote: "Jesus is sneaky" There are a lot of quotes involving boobs too...see Kennon's site for details...
R - Reason to smile: Monkey bowling! Kitties, puppies, babies, cheesecake, Mexican Radio...
S - Song you sang last: Paper Bag (Fiona Apple)
T - Time you woke up [today]: Not sure...sometime before 8 (cuz class is at 8)
U - Unknown fact about me: I dunno, I suppose that first kiss at 18 was a bit of an unknown fact...but I probably cant' count that twice... Actually, I suspect very few people know how much I loved baseball when I was younger. I would plot ways to play baseball instead of softball. I had lots of baseball cards (Nolan Ryan was my favorite...) and I even bought these "baseball cards" that had pictures of old players and historical facts (some nice old Babe Ruth pics). I still have my Homer Hankey from the 92 Twins win and all the cards from the players from that year...but then they traded all my favorites...
V- Vegetable you hate: Pickles, cooked spinach (much better raw)
W - Worst habit(s): I fidget a lot...I worry a lot too...
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, umm...that's probably it, I've never broken anything
Y - Yummy food: cheesecake, steak, potatoes (in all forms), caesar salad, Hunan chicken, lately I'm eating a lot of stringcheese too...
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer.
A - Age you got your first kiss: While I had boyfriends...I was a bit of an ice 18 (cuz I'm pretty sure that one in kingergarden doesnt count...)
B - Band listening to right now: *hurries to put on some music* Garbage...I'm listening to the new single since I have yet to aquire the album.
C - Crush: Chris...and Angelina...
D - Dad's name: David
E - Easiest person to talk to: Chris...and Angelina...
F - Favorite singer at the moment: hmm, that's a tough one...I am particularly entranced with the vocal stylings of Low Millions, The Killers, and Snow Patrol at the moment
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears? Worms are good for experiments (transplanting one head onto another worm's body) Bears are good for...well...let's just say that in high school each one of the colors corresponded to a different Backstreet Boy...
H - Hometown: I suppose that would be Yankton, SD. I was born there and my parents live there now, though I'm not sure I lived there consistently enough to call that my "hometown"
I - Instruments: Cello, piano, voice, I used to play the flute too
J- Junior High: Sacred Heart
K - Kids: Umm...I like them? I'll have some at some point, though I'm hoping for less than the 5 that my parents had...that's probably too many.
L - Longest car ride ever: continuous? I'm not actually sure. My family likes to drive on family vacations so I've spent a lot of time in a 7 passenger mini-van. Of course that involves less "direct" travel and more slow I suppose the longest direct ride was from Yankton to Atlanta with Kortney. :)
M - Mom's name: Tina
N - Nicknames: Lissa, Lis, Cuteasaurus, Porn Star (that's from high school and a long story), "Woman get over here and make me a pie" Wait...that's not a nickname...
O - One wish: More wishes
P - Phobia[s]: Sharks (even in swimming pools), "cold-calling" (or using the phone to call ppl who aren't expecting a call)
Q - Quote: "Jesus is sneaky" There are a lot of quotes involving boobs too...see Kennon's site for details...
R - Reason to smile: Monkey bowling! Kitties, puppies, babies, cheesecake, Mexican Radio...
S - Song you sang last: Paper Bag (Fiona Apple)
T - Time you woke up [today]: Not sure...sometime before 8 (cuz class is at 8)
U - Unknown fact about me: I dunno, I suppose that first kiss at 18 was a bit of an unknown fact...but I probably cant' count that twice... Actually, I suspect very few people know how much I loved baseball when I was younger. I would plot ways to play baseball instead of softball. I had lots of baseball cards (Nolan Ryan was my favorite...) and I even bought these "baseball cards" that had pictures of old players and historical facts (some nice old Babe Ruth pics). I still have my Homer Hankey from the 92 Twins win and all the cards from the players from that year...but then they traded all my favorites...
V- Vegetable you hate: Pickles, cooked spinach (much better raw)
W - Worst habit(s): I fidget a lot...I worry a lot too...
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, umm...that's probably it, I've never broken anything
Y - Yummy food: cheesecake, steak, potatoes (in all forms), caesar salad, Hunan chicken, lately I'm eating a lot of stringcheese too...
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer.
At April 15, 2005 at 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think "Mexican Radio" with the context of "Clarissa" makes us ALL smile. :)
At April 19, 2005 at 7:20 AM,
A Red Mind in a Blue State said…
Nolan Ryan may have been your favorite, but his "curse" is killing my Mets!!
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