The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Well kids...

I've talked to some of you, but I thought I'd better mention it now since Kennon talks about it on his site...Yes, the wedding has been pushed back. Coming to this decision has been a long and somewhat painful process and has caused a great deal of stress. So, for those I haven't talked to lately, I'm sorry...I was somewhat distracted. Sure, it's not technically a big deal. Invitations haven't gone out, they haven't even been ordered. I won't lose any money either.

As I'm sure most of you are curious about why I've changed the date (I know I would be), suffice it to say, it's complicated. It's due in large part because I simply can't do everything I need to do from out here especially given my crazy schedule. It's also due to a request my parents made. Getting married next year would be financially a lot better for them and easier all around I suppose.

So, I have to talk to the Deans to figure out my schedule for the future, but it looks like I can take some time off next June for a wedding. I'll just plan it this summer and I'm sure 2nd year will just fly by.

And on a more serious note...make sure you get your Old Glory Robot Insurance. (Thanks Nikhil!)


  • At April 7, 2005 at 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...for when the metal ones decide to come for you.

    --And they will.

  • At April 7, 2005 at 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's called "exclusive coverage", Kennon. Media people and Wheeler would trumpet that.

    Granted, they both lick pizza with reckless abandon, but still...


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