If I had some money, I'd buy you a hotdog...
I met with my preceptor yesterday, and she works at a clinic off-campus. In order to get there, I take the shuttle. While waiting to take the shuttle back, the guy approached me and asked if I had a cigarette. Obviously, the answer was no and he went away. Then he came back and started talking to me. I didn't really want to, but I had to stay put and wait for the shuttle. At one point he told me that if had some money he'd buy me a hotdog. Then he realized I was wearing my school ID (you need it to get into buildings and use the shuttle) and so now he knows my name. Then he wanted to know if I lived with my parents and if they were geographically close. He told me he'd call me, but I told him that was ok, I was too busy because of school. Finally, he realized I wasn't interested and went away. But, the point of this story isn't so much that he was a little creepy, but that the line about the hotdog is funny. I've never had anyone say that before. I guess this is a good Welcome to Baltimore.
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