The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Sunday, December 11, 2005

All apologies...

I'm sorry for my recent non-posting "vacation." I didn't have to much to say after that interview since I'm still pretty sad that I didn't get it and school has been pretty rough lately. I have exams again on Monday, so I'll get something entertaining up in the next couple of days. :)

BTW- Have I mentioned I love google? Guess what I found when searching for my name...
"in other news, the aforementioned clarissa barnes is officially the coolest. that's right: there's actually a new federal statute that says that. and not just because of her...creative...halloween costume, but also because she became the first person to write on my cheap-o marker board this past week. all hail clarissa. but not before hailing me." Excerpt courtesy of Nikhil's Newmegachip site's archives. ;)

(Also- bonus points to those who understand the "musical inspiration" for this post's title)