The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Academy Awards Noms are out. I'm pretty excited to see Atonement up for best picture. It was beautiful and had the same sort of emotional pull that the English Patient did. Cate Blanchett is up for Best Actress AND Best Supporting Actress. Also of note, Saoirse Ronan (from Atonment) got a Best Supporting Actress nod.
I really hope there is a show this year. There is something very satisfying about printing out the nomination list and checking off the winners one by one. Besides, if there isn't a show then there aren't crazy acceptance speeches to talk about the next day.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Living in Ikea?

Mark Malkoff is living in IKEA for a week while his apartment is being fumigated. Crazy. He's providing a video/day while he stays there. My favorite line is in the prologue, "My apartment is 80% Ikea anyway, so it will be just like staying at home." Our place is also an IKEA commercial. Actually now that I think about it, I just got a new island/kitchen cart from IKEA... is it possible to be addicted to purchasing furniture?