The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Consider me the Gossip Queen

Ok, some interesting bits of info:

1) Katie Holmes (previously engaged to Chris Klein of American Pie fame) is dating Tom Cruise. I'm sorry...what???
2) The Angelina/Brad pics come out this week. Rumor has it that Angelina might have actually called the photographer herself. In part to ensure some of the profits go to charity and also to "break the news slowly" to the world that they're now together. Umm...slowly? Riiight. But seriously, I do think that they were probably "good" while he was married to Jen. But, now that they're getting divorced, do you think Angelina and Brad will/are dating? If I could figure out how to put a poll of my own making on this blog, I would. However, I'll just have to ask you to make your vote in the comments section.
3) Tina Fey is pregnant!

That's it for now. I'll be back soon with more updates of things you didn't know you needed to know. ;)

Monday, April 25, 2005


I saw Born Into Brothels today. It is, quite simply, amazing. Essentially, it follows the children of sex workers in Calcutta as they learn photography. I'd encourage everyone to watch it and also check out the website. It won the Academy Award for best documentary, so it can't be just me. ;)

Also, I guess Lucas said at the convention that there was gonna be a Star Wars tv show...eep!

Saturday, April 23, 2005


They're making Rent into a movie. I've looked over the cast list...and for the most-part, I'm impressed. Most of the original Broadway actors are being brought back, including Adam Pascal. However, the use of Rosario Dawson as Mimi? Umm...eep! I'm not sure I buy that. I guess I'll have to wait and see...

For your amusement



By Jen Waters



The language of Valentine's Day cards and love songs — "crazy for you," "madly in love," et cetera — may reveal an important truth. Sometimes, love looks like a mental disorder, says British clinical psychologist Frank Tallis.

"Love seems to have the power to destabilize people emotionally," says Mr. Tallis, who has lectured in psychology and neuroscience at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College in London. "Particularly in vulnerable individuals, it can be very difficult to cope."

The author of "Love Sick: Love as a Mental Illness," Mr. Tallis has a private practice in London, where he says he often has patients who are suffering mentally because of love.

"Some people are referred to me because of an admission to depression or anxiety disorder, but in fact, once we'd explored issues around their problems, it was clear they were just in love."

When people are with their beloved, Mr. Tallis says, they often experience a manic state, characterized by expansive moods, causing generous gift giving and inflated self-esteem. When they are away from the person they love, there can be tearfulness, insomnia and low mood — mirroring the symptoms of depression.

The idea of love as a form of mental illness "is not as absurd as it sounds," author John Preston said, reviewing Mr. Tallis' book for the London Daily Telegraph. "Love ... shares a lot of symptoms with various forms of psychopathology, notably obsession, depression, mania and manic depression."

"When we fall in love we are not ourselves; our emotional center of gravity is displaced and we topple headlong into the hands of fate," Mr. Preston says. "Anything can happen. Yet 'falling in love' is a relatively recent phenomenon; it wasn't until the 16th century that the phrase passed into common currency."

But while such feelings are common for people in love, Mr. Tallis says, when taken to another level, the obsession caused by love could almost become like stalking.

"If we look at stalkers, all that happens, at least a percentage of them, is that they fall in love with someone and just want to be with them," Mr. Tallis says. "They make a nuisance of themselves, and the other party is not interested in them, but if the other party said 'yes' to their advances and their overtures, then we would regard stalkers as being ordinary individuals."

Morbid jealously is another symptom of lovesickness, Mr. Tallis says.

"In reality, people tend to be quite jealous," Mr. Tallis says. "Love, when it is authentic, always casts a bit of a shadow. There is always a darker side of possession and jealousy, even in the most kind of normal and innocent love."

Lovesickness can even be lethal, as when rejection and unrequited love increase the risk of suicide, Mr. Tallis says. Ancient doctors used to believe that love itself might kill you, he says.

"It's only in the 20th century that doctors and psychiatrists stopped taking love seriously," Mr. Tallis says. "Some psychotherapeutic principles have existed since the 10th century. If you look at the writings of early Islamic doctors, such as Ibn Sina, [author of the 'Canons of Medicine'] who was really regarded as one of the originators of contemporary medicine, he said the obsession is based on idealization."

Love causes us to enhance and elevate our beloved, Mr. Tallis says. Separating truth from reality is therefore key to treating lovesickness.

"Nobody is really perfect," Mr. Tallis says. "This idea of challenging the obsession and challenging distortions in the mind corresponds to contemporary forms of psychotherapy, like cognitive behavior therapy."

Medication also might be helpful, Mr. Tallis says. Studies suggest that when people fall in love and begin to obsess, it causes a drop in the level of serotonin, a brain chemical. In fact, the levels drop to the same amount as someone suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, he says.

"When they begin to fall out of love, serotonin levels begin to rise," Mr. Tallis says. "It's possible the administration of certain forms of anti-obsessional drugs, like Prozac, could ameliorate some of the obsessional symptoms of love."

Not everyone in love is in need of psychiatric care, Mr. Tallis cautions.

"I'm not saying love is abnormal," he says. "It's part of the human condition, but it's certainly a potentially destabilizing experience, more than we recognize socially. Perhaps in modern times, we've underestimated its significance, in terms of its power to destabilize people emotionally."

If people start acting irrational due to falling in love, they were probably previously mentally ill, says Lourdes G. Griffin, administrator for the outpatient behavioral health service at Washington Hospital Center in Northwest.

"Sometimes kids commit suicide because someone broke up with them, or they do something aggressive to the one who stole the boyfriend or girlfriend away," says Ms. Griffin, who has a doctorate in clinical psychology. "They may be unstable to start with, and then they cope with loss in an unhealthy way."

Mental illness is not an accurate description of most people in love, Ms. Griffin says. People in love may become more adventurous, but they usually don't become psychotic, she says.

"The loved one may be preoccupying a person's thoughts, but it doesn't necessarily mean the person is sick," Ms. Griffin says. "It's natural to think about certain things at certain times more than others. I don't know who would want to fall in love if it was an illness."


This article was mailed from The Washington Times Insider (

Friday, April 22, 2005

Huh, how about that.

Diane Keaton is dating her co-star from Something's Gotta Give No, it's not Jack... it's Keanu. He's 40 (when did that happen??) and she's almost 60. Honestly, while I'm shocked...I actually find it kinda cute.

How did that happen?

I was reading the "news" today and came across this: "Meanwhile, "Mmm Bop"-singing, mullet-favoring Taylor Hanson, 22, and his wife, Natalie, are the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl, reports MTV. Penelope arrived on Tuesday and joins big brother Jordan." What?? Taylor Hanson is married?? I'm baffled...

I miss study parties

Kari and Nikhil def. know what I'm talking about... I've taken up doing homework with some fellow students and while it's lots of fun, it also reminds me of last year's study parties with Bubbels breaks...*sigh*

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


They're making a movie of The Decameron! I can't believe it...eep!

I love Google

cuz I use it to google myself and find out what things have been published about me (or ppl claiming to be me). Here's something I found interesting. I'm listed as matriculating at Yale...even though I decided not to go there. I guess that explains why my parents still get the alumni letters asking for donations.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

An update on what's new

1) New pope! Eeee! Pope Benedict XVI. I don't actually know if I like him yet, he's rumored to be a bit of a "hard-ass" So, once I formulate an opinion...I'll let you know...I know you'll be waiting with anticipation
2) Felicia came to visit me so she could check out Hopkins. Sadly, she left today... :(
3) I took the Epi (as in Epidemiology) exam Monday so now that class is over...also sad. :(
4) Now we're in the last class of the year...hooray! Unfortunately, this class last until June!
5) I can't remember if I told everyone how excited I was that DA Henderson was coming to speak to our class...cuz I was...and I still AM. I brought my book to class and had him sign it. Yep, I'm that kid.
6) Alright, there are more things, but I have to get ready for supper.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Felicia qualified for Nationals in Student Congress after barely missing qual. in LD debate. She also got her senior award in LD. Tomorrow she's coming to visit me in Baltimore to look at Hopkins for college next year. Hooray!

Friday, April 15, 2005

This appeals to my love of order...

Look! per letter of the alphabet...genius!

A - Age you got your first kiss: While I had boyfriends...I was a bit of an ice 18 (cuz I'm pretty sure that one in kingergarden doesnt count...)

B - Band listening to right now: *hurries to put on some music* Garbage...I'm listening to the new single since I have yet to aquire the album.

C - Crush: Chris...and Angelina...

D - Dad's name: David

E - Easiest person to talk to: Chris...and Angelina...

F - Favorite singer at the moment: hmm, that's a tough one...I am particularly entranced with the vocal stylings of Low Millions, The Killers, and Snow Patrol at the moment

G - Gummy worms or gummy bears? Worms are good for experiments (transplanting one head onto another worm's body) Bears are good for...well...let's just say that in high school each one of the colors corresponded to a different Backstreet Boy...

H - Hometown: I suppose that would be Yankton, SD. I was born there and my parents live there now, though I'm not sure I lived there consistently enough to call that my "hometown"

I - Instruments: Cello, piano, voice, I used to play the flute too

J- Junior High: Sacred Heart

K - Kids: Umm...I like them? I'll have some at some point, though I'm hoping for less than the 5 that my parents had...that's probably too many.

L - Longest car ride ever: continuous? I'm not actually sure. My family likes to drive on family vacations so I've spent a lot of time in a 7 passenger mini-van. Of course that involves less "direct" travel and more slow I suppose the longest direct ride was from Yankton to Atlanta with Kortney. :)

M - Mom's name: Tina

N - Nicknames: Lissa, Lis, Cuteasaurus, Porn Star (that's from high school and a long story), "Woman get over here and make me a pie" Wait...that's not a nickname...

O - One wish: More wishes

P - Phobia[s]: Sharks (even in swimming pools), "cold-calling" (or using the phone to call ppl who aren't expecting a call)

Q - Quote: "Jesus is sneaky" There are a lot of quotes involving boobs too...see Kennon's site for details...

R - Reason to smile: Monkey bowling! Kitties, puppies, babies, cheesecake, Mexican Radio...

S - Song you sang last: Paper Bag (Fiona Apple)

T - Time you woke up [today]: Not sure...sometime before 8 (cuz class is at 8)

U - Unknown fact about me: I dunno, I suppose that first kiss at 18 was a bit of an unknown fact...but I probably cant' count that twice... Actually, I suspect very few people know how much I loved baseball when I was younger. I would plot ways to play baseball instead of softball. I had lots of baseball cards (Nolan Ryan was my favorite...) and I even bought these "baseball cards" that had pictures of old players and historical facts (some nice old Babe Ruth pics). I still have my Homer Hankey from the 92 Twins win and all the cards from the players from that year...but then they traded all my favorites...

V- Vegetable you hate: Pickles, cooked spinach (much better raw)

W - Worst habit(s): I fidget a lot...I worry a lot too...

X - X-rays you've had: teeth, umm...that's probably it, I've never broken anything

Y - Yummy food: cheesecake, steak, potatoes (in all forms), caesar salad, Hunan chicken, lately I'm eating a lot of stringcheese too...

Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Only gay men need to wear beards...

I went to look at another apartment today. It's beautiful, but I don't think I'll be moving there. When I was done, I decided to drive around Baltimore to 1) drive by other apartments in which I'm interested, in order to check out their neighborhoods 2) just to drive around and see parts of Baltimore I haven't yet. For the record, I saw amazingly beautiful bldgs and landscaping that I didn't even realize exsisted in this city. I also saw some not as nice areas...but that's what you get for just driving around.

But, the point of this post is not to tell people about my nice drive around Baltimore city. Instead, I wanted to share some things I heard on the radio. For example, a couple won a trip to Baltimore with the local rock radio station by sending in their "home porn." Supposedly the guy in the "film" is Italian and Greek. The girl was 18 at the time this video was made, and had been dating this guy a mere 6 weeks. I think he has to marry her now... Anyway, I was also amused by the comments "whores are capitalists and sluts are socialists."

Ok, I'll write more later, but now it's time for Enterprise...sadly it's ending soon. But who's surprised...shows I love die. :(

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Well kids...

I've talked to some of you, but I thought I'd better mention it now since Kennon talks about it on his site...Yes, the wedding has been pushed back. Coming to this decision has been a long and somewhat painful process and has caused a great deal of stress. So, for those I haven't talked to lately, I'm sorry...I was somewhat distracted. Sure, it's not technically a big deal. Invitations haven't gone out, they haven't even been ordered. I won't lose any money either.

As I'm sure most of you are curious about why I've changed the date (I know I would be), suffice it to say, it's complicated. It's due in large part because I simply can't do everything I need to do from out here especially given my crazy schedule. It's also due to a request my parents made. Getting married next year would be financially a lot better for them and easier all around I suppose.

So, I have to talk to the Deans to figure out my schedule for the future, but it looks like I can take some time off next June for a wedding. I'll just plan it this summer and I'm sure 2nd year will just fly by.

And on a more serious note...make sure you get your Old Glory Robot Insurance. (Thanks Nikhil!)