The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Autopsy Time!

As reported much earlier in the year, everyone in my class has to attend an autopsy. Most ppl get paged shortly after they recieve the pager, but alas, I had had the pager since Thanksgiving and only got called this week. I thought we got some advance warning, but the message was "we're starting in 1/2 hr." Eep! So, I hustled on in, and while I can't really say much about what happened and what we figured out, I can tell you that it was an entirely bloody affair. I can't say I did much other than watch and "poke" things at the appropriate time ("Oh, yes, I see what you mean about this part being more squishy than this part"), but it was an interesting experience. I do have to admit I almost passed out and had to leave to sit down, which doesn't normally happen to me...But, I hadnt really eaten much that day and the smell of bone dust is the "least pleasant" smell, at least to me. All in all, a good learning experience and I feel a little more doctor-y having now seen and touched a non-preserved, deceased human body.

In other news, our next set of exams is Tuesday...wish me luck and/or pray for me. It's gonna be a rough set. ;)

And, since I have been negligent in my posting regularity, this is a little late, but should be said anyway.

"Happy Birthday Vanessa!!"
"Happy Birthday Liz!!"