The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Monday, February 28, 2005


Makes watching the new Law and Order series a little bit harder...

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Maybe Christina Ricci and I are the same person...

I've discovered lately that I find Christina Ricci fascinating. I can't say I'm a huge horror-movie fan, but I'm actually contemplating going to The Curse just to see her in it. Anyway, I've been reading a lot about her lately and I stumbled across an interview she gave to US magazine in 1998. At one point she says, "I'm really paranoid. I won't swim in a pool by myself because I think that somehow a little magic door is going to open and let the shark out. I know there is no way in hell that there is going to be a shark in a chlorinated pool, but I'm so scared." I have never heard another person talk about being afraid of sharks in chlorinated pools. Actually, most people make fun of me for it. So, at least now I can say that someone else thinks about it too and that person happens to be a pretty famous actress, so it can't be too weird, can it?

Friday, February 25, 2005

Just thought you'd like to know

For those who've been watching the news, you may have noticed that the Pope got a tracheotomy. Earlier I'd mentioned that I've seen and "helped" in a trach. However, not all trachs are planned and sometimes an emergency trach is performed, like when someone is choking. During anatomy a professor demonstrated an emergency trach on a cadaver and emphasized how important they are when someone is choking and the Heimlich doesn't work. Anyway, the point of all this is...if you're choking and need a trach, turns out I am "qualified" to do one of the pen or steakknife variety...just in case...

Monday, February 21, 2005

An outbreak in Africa, but not the one you'd think

Maybe it's me...but when I think outbreak in Africa, I think Ebola. Ok maybe that's extreme, maybe African sleeping sickness or even malaria. However, the lastest outbreak is the plague...that's right, the good ole pneumonic strain, the deadlier and more easlier spread cousin of bubonic plague. Crazy.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Well crap

I've previously mentioned that Baltimore is not the..."safest" place in the world. But, most of the crime is drug and gang related so the high numbers are less scary than they seem. The recent Hopkins undergrad murders aren't super close to where I'm at either. However, today I learned that a man was shot and killed in the parking lot of my favorite mall. The mall isn't super-close since I do have to take the interstate to get there, but I do go there more often than anyplace in Baltimore with the exception of school and the grocery store. I kinda assumed since this was a nice mall that it was I'm sad AND Chris won't let me leave my room...

I almost forgot...I love Peta Wilson

Peta Wilson guest-starred on Jonny Zero last night. I had almost forgotten how much I like her. I used to watch Le Femme Nikita all the time when it was on. Alas, because I liked it, they took it off the air. In somewhat related Peta Wilson-ness, I thought it was interesting that her part as Mina in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was supposed to go to Monica Bellucci. Too bad for Eric...good for me. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

So I'm a Copycat...

You scored as Mindfuck. Congratulations, you scored Mindfuck. You've probably seen a lot of movies, and have grown to hate mainstream shit. You're looking for the movie that will leave you breathless, and with 21 questions to think about. Check out: Donnie Darko, Being John Malkovich, Pulp Fiction, Memento.





Romantic Comedy


Sadistic Humour


Mindless Action Flick






Movie Recommendation.
created with

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My ambulance plays Ode to Joy

It isn't just that there are lots of sirens where I live since I'm about a block from Hopkins' ER and there seems to be a "need" for police in the surrounding areas. It's that police cars, ambulances, etc. seem to have multiple sirens and I can't seem to discern if the tones have significance, or if it's like specialty ringers for cell phones.

In other news, I took my last anatomy test today. I am SO happy I can hardly believe it. I'm not sure why, but being done with anatomy made me want to go bra shopping. So, I spent the afternoon in the mall. *sigh* I've missed non-school things...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The most important election...EVER

Ok, everyone needs to vote in NBC's Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Model Search. I won't tell you who to vote for (*cough Alicia cough*). But seriously, Alicia is awesome. I think I have a thing for "smokey essense" because I've noticed that when it comes to women...I have a "type." Angelina, Adriana, and now Alicia...As soon as I figure out this picture-posting business, I'll put some up.