The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Beginnings of a Sub I

Holy crap it's hard. It's only the end of the second day, but I am now acutely aware of how much more I need to learn. Hopefully this month will be great. Sadly though, there can be no Monday night eating marathons since I'm on call every M and F in June. I'm actually post-call on my birthday...woot. :S

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This little doctor is growing up

I only have a couple more days of Emergency Medicine, and I'm sadder about it than I would have expected. The ppl in the ED have let me do quite a bit of independent patient work and I'm growing to love the feeling of being able to do things on my own. My Sub-I is coming up next week, and I actually think it will be ok. In fact, I'm actually EXCITED.