The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Friday, September 30, 2005

All I need is a laser-disc player and I'll be all set

They announced that Kermit and the Muppets get their own stamps. I am so excited for them! It reminds me of being young, back when you could watch things like The Muppets Take Manhattan (on Laser-Disc) a million times and not get bored. I don't have much else to say, it just makes me happy. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I don't think Sharon Stone was the Muse for this idea...

It looks like Mr. T is making his return to TV as a (not kidding) advice-giving guru. Mr. T as the next Ann Landers? I'll be honest...I'm curious. And the name of the show? "I pity the fool." You can't make this stuff up. ;)

Friday, September 16, 2005

I can't believe I missed it!!!


In related news, Angelina and Brad recently treated Maddox and Zahara to a day of wholesome and semi-educational water-themed fun. The Baltimore Sun reports the foursome took in the delights at the city's National Aquarium last Sunday, with Pitt calling ahead to warn of their arrival but ponying up for their tickets just like a regular Joe.

"The sharks were high on their list," the aquarium's senior director tells the paper. "They loved the stingrays and frankly, as they were walking across the bridge, they were enamored with the harbor. Brad really loves animals. He is enamored of them. He wanted to show the sharks of Baltimore to his son [Maddox]. It was very much a family enjoying the aquarium."

Maddox, who received a stuffed dinosaur during a recent visit to a Canadian museum, added to his plush toy collection at the aquarium, this time going home with a shark."

She was here...IN Baltimore...about 2 miles away...and I missed her!! I can't believe it...sadness.

To the Moon, Alice, To the Moon!

So, it sounds like NASA wants to head back to the moon. In fact, they want to put four ppl on the moon in 2018. Depending on your views on the first moon landing, this will either be the "first-time" or a "return" trip. ;)

I, for one, am excited. I love the moon, cuz the Moon Rulz...#1!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Moving on

Today is an interesting point in my life. It was my first "official" day as a future doctor...and by that I mean it was my first day of clinical skills and I wore my white coat and stethescope and everything. As I begin this new phase, old ones must end. Specifically, I got the notice late last week that tomorrow is the last day my undergrad email account will be active. Sad...I have thousands of emails stored there. I think that's what I get for "flauting" the fact that mine was still active when Kortney came to visit...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I know how you all like a good laugh...

To preface this: this year marks the beginning of my official "doctor-training" and so one of the major components of this year is Clinical Skills. History-taking, write-ups, and yes the actual physical exams. So I thought I'd let you know that you are free to laugh at me on Jan 29th, since that is the date that I will do my first ureogenital exams. Female...And Male. Eep! Seriously...that's everything...and I have a scheduled 3 hr slot. I'd say wish me luck...but I think it'd be more accurate just to tell you to have fun laughing at me. ;)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A short note before bed

It's getting late and 8am classes loom...but before I go to bed, I'd ask that you all keep me in your thoughts for the next month or so. I'm working on something that I don't want to go into any detail about (so that I don't jinx it) but I sure could use some good wishes because I'm having a hard time putting pen to paper. :S

Monday, September 05, 2005

One and a half years is far too long...

Kortney came to visit this weekend...wheee! While a good deal of time was spent watching horrible (Frankenfish, Dragon Storm, etc) and good (Shaun of the Dead) movies, we did do some other more entertaining things. Chris and I made supper on Sat. night and so we had a "dinner party" of Chris, Kortney, Kennon, Liz, and myself. Mmmm Chicken Kiev. In additional to various other foodstuffs, there was Sangria, Strawberry Daquiris, and Fuzzy Navels. All and all it was a good time. Sunday was spent in the Inner Harbor and after walking around we had dinner at M&S's (the seafood restaurant from a couple months ago) and I had yummy tilapia again. Tastiest fish EVER. :) Oh, we also met Kortney's boy Aaron this weekend. We didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with him, but he seems really nice and he's super-funny. We also met some of his friends who live in Baltimore. It's always nice to meet other people in Baltimore outside of the medical school kids (I love 'em, but I see them EVERYDAY). During the course of the weekend, Kortney and I realized the last time I saw her was spring break my senior year during the "Maker's Mark/Wheeler" fiasco. Sadly...a year and a half ago...Far Too Long. :( But, she lives in pretty Colorado, so perhaps I'll get to go out and visit. I can hardly wait. :)

But, for all the fun I had this weekend, I've spent the last hour or so contemplating something sad. In short, it makes me sad when people from one's past, people that you may not speak to often, but you still care about and think of fondly seem to have essentially forgotten about you. It doesn't seem like it's been that long since high school in some respects, but in others, it's been a lifetime. And, while my statements are pretty general, it's the specifics that makes me sad. Perhaps I'm prone to being sad since Kortney just left, but I think really it comes down to disappointment. It's disappointing when someone who was very important to you at one point has kinda written you out of his/her account of history. And, while I do understand that perhaps it's less painful this way, it's still sad. Perhaps this is confusing for most of you...I can explain over messenger if you're really curious, but it's getting late and I have class at 8 tomorrow morning, so I best be off to bed. Night.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


For those who haven't heard...I present to you the newest trend in male fashion: "Pubic Pants." That's right, Dolce and Gabbana in their infinite wisdom have decided men should wear their jeans so low as to be unsuitable for young children's eyes...wait ANYONE's eyes. Here's an interesting article on the subject with a relatively tamer picture. And, for those of you who are "brave," I present a sample picture that is "less tame."

In news that doesn't have to be censored, I'm about done with my first week of class. I have some reflections, but I'm pretty tired, so I'll post them later.