The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Music, Thanksgiving, and Anatomy

Ok, first, in addition to the new U2 CD, I bought the Snow Patrol's Final Straw. Let me tell you, it's fantastic. Fantastic. If you like British rock, then you'll like this CD. However, I suppose if you like that crazy rap crap, you probably won't. ;)

In other news, Thanksgiving break was just what I needed. I got to see Chris and my family and Brenden and Eric and Chris' family. Hooray!! I watched lots of movies (including the Chronicles of Riddick which was surprisingly good) and slept very little. I also ate lots of mashed 'tatoes...mmmm... The best part? I didn't study. Of course, I had a test today and therefore I studied straight on Sunday and Monday, but it was worth it.

In other news, Anatomy started today. We got our bone boxes. For those who don't know, that means I currently have probably about $2000 worth of human bones in my room. Our first lab is Thursday, so I'll write again then. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Happy new U2 album day!!

That's right. Today is the day the new U2 album escapes from its vault. Hooray!! I can't wait to own it. U2 was on SNL on Sat and they played Vertigo and another song from the new album in addition to I will Follow. (Yes, I did tape it...*insert blushing face here*)

In other U2 news, I still want the U2 ipod. The lady from the store called me to let me know they were in. I missed her call and didnt check my messages in time to pick it up. Since I'm heading home tomorrow I won't have time to stop by the store. As I told Nikhil today, I feel like a kid who really wants a Tickle-me-Elmo. Hopefully I won't need to trample anyone to get one. ;)

Friday, November 19, 2004

I'd buy a ticket to that fight

Check it out: Bush v Kerry through proxies. I have nothing else to say except I'm amused...hehehehe.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Back in Junior High

In anatomy (which starts after Thanksgiving break), you work in groups of 4. And, you get to pick your own. However, I didn't realize you needed to know so soon. We got an e-mail yesterday saying that we should email our group selections by this weekend and suddenly it's a mad dash. It's like Jr High all over again and it's ridiculous. I thought I had a group, but long story short, I don't anymore (although I think I have a pair now). In general, this is the dumbest process ever. And, some people are being really mean about it. Not to me, but in general...shesh!!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Halo 2 Quiz

So, I took this quiz to see which Halo 2 character I'd be, even though I haven't seen the game yet. It's pretty good, except that part about no penis jokes...I don't think that sounds like me at all ;) Overall though, I must say if I didn't have this med school thing going I'd give this game a try...

Happy Birthday Gerard!

It's Gerard Butler's Birthday today! :) For those who don't remember, he was Terry Sheridan in the 2nd Tombraider movie and Andre Marek in Timeline. He's supposed to be the Phantom in the new Phantom of the Opera movie and Beowulf in the new Beowulf and Grendel movie. Anyway, I like him and yes, I'm sure the accent helps. ;)

Friday, November 12, 2004

Bono's a funny kid

Sometimes Bono says things that make sense when you read the whole thing, but make horrible sound-bites. Exhibit A: "I want to kill myself." *shakes head* In other U2 news, they're on the Blender cover and Larry still looks ridiculously young. How does he do that?!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Still Sick, but Sudafed is nice...

I had heard Sudafed makes you a little "wired." However, I had never really thought about it until I started dosing myself up because I'm sick. I hate being sick, I think most people do. ;) However, Sudafed's like magic...
I just took my Immunology exam, and I'm exhausted, but yet I still feel kinda hyper. Eeeeeeee!

We started Developmental Biology and the start of this class has coincided with this "email war" about whether things like the morning after pill are abortifacients. My take on the rgument in short: Abortion is the expulsion of an embryo or fetus. Morning after pill prevents implantation. However, you don't have an embryo until implantation. Therefore, it isn't an abortifacient. Whether or not it's wrong anyway is up to you. (In other words, please don't tell me how you feel about abortion, since I find that those types of discussions are generally non-productive and just plain annoying.)

Anyway, I just wanted to mention that I miss you all and can't wait to come back for Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Just a heads up

To all those at home in South Dakota: I may be in the area next week. Yes, that's right, I'd be there next week and then come back the week after for Thanksgiving. Nothing is definite, but I'll keep everyone posted. ;)


With school and being sick, I haven't really updated in awhile. So, sorry. I had a list of neat things I was gonna post. However, instead I think I'll mention something that occurred to me recently. I have actually learned quite a bit in the couple months since I've been in medical school. I know I am supposed to learn stuff, but even when watching tv, I'll notice things I hadn't previously. For example, I know why the moral dilemna that is Theresa's choice about which baby to 'save' on Passions is medically ridiculous. Or, I now know why the mini-flu outbreak on Medical Investigations was deadlier than the 'regular flu.' Crazy. Soon maybe I'll even be able to laugh at ER like my Dad does.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Good for South Dakota

As David was so nice to point out, USD is getting an MPH (master's in public health) program in fall 2005. I'm actually really excited for South Dakota. Finally! An MPH program! Hooray! It's be nice to come back and do coursework there. But, even though they have a program, it still won't be accredited, since I think that takes a couple years of review, and I'd like to be out of school in the next decade or so.