The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Birthday Update

My birthday was Sunday and now I'm a whopping 23 years old. Chris came out to visit me on Saturday (and left Monday, so it was a short visit). It was nice to have him around on my birthday since I didn't get to see him on my bday last year. Anyway, I picked Chris up and drove straight to IKEA and he got me the kitchen table (and 2 chairs) that I wanted. It's a nice black metal/glass table and I had been drooling over it for awhile... Now I just need 4 more chairs and then I'll have a complete kitchen set. Sunday we went down to Alexandria to hang out. Kennon and Liz got me the cutest monkey slippers (they have bows!), although I suspect the impetus of this gesture was mainly Liz's, so thanks. :) Hooray for monkey slippers!! I bought a Carvel ice cream cake and while I was happy to have ice cream cake, I think everyone agreed that Dairy Queen's cakes are better. We had dinner at this great Irish Pub called Pat Troy's and I had a flank steak marinated in Guinness (the beer, not the book of records). I think everyone was happy with their food AND the owner came over and talked to us. He's just the cutest Irish man...

I also owe a "thanks" to Nikhil for the birthday shout-out on his website. :) Sadly, we're not the same age anymore...but now he lives on the East Coast...hooray!

Friday, June 24, 2005

I'd rather not say I told you so...

It's happened again. The US has a confirmed case of BSE (aka mad cow disease). Honestly, I had kind of hoped that I was wrong. However, as time goes on, little by little what I've feared would happen is coming true. (aside- for those of you who don't remember, prions and thus BSE has been the subject of quite a bit of my attention over the years. It was the subject of my Goldwater app and the analytical tests used to detect it was the subject of my senior chemistry paper.) I'm going to "look" into this some more and try and figure out if the US can claim this one is "not my fault" like they did last time. It's a very weird feeling though, knowing that you'll probably be vindicated and yet not really wanting to be... I feel like Ian Malcolm. :S

PS- Check out this link for a nice article on the holes that still remain...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Straight into the future...

I present to you the Baltimore-DC Maglev. That's right, we're skipping all the intermed. transportation issues and jumping right into crazy future technology. Personally, I'd prefer we get hovercrafts...but I suppose I can be content with this.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Forbes Fictional Fifteen

For those of you who like to put numbers to fictional things (you know who you are...) I present to you the "Forbes Fictional Fifteen." It's a list of estimated net worths for some of fiction's most well-known characters. Bruce Wayne, Scrooge McDuck, and Gatsby are all on there....I will point out that I'm saddened that Richie Rich got the number 2 spot...spoiled little kid.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A serious problem...

ok, not really...but I'm ahving some "issues" deciding how much is appropriate to spend on couches. Specifically, the options are couch + loveseat (the standard) or I can get a sectional (which I think I'd really prefer). Once I decide which way to go ...then I can either get straight couches (no, not opposed to gay ones :P) or I can get couches with the pull-out sleeper beds. Assuming I went the "most expensive" option of sectional with pull-out bed, how much do you think it too much? In other words, how much would you be willing to pay for these extras? *sigh* As someone who likes to save money unless it's obviously worth the extra cost (in terms of price of materials and utility to me) I am a very confused girl...

Friday, June 17, 2005

An amusing use of Star Wars

Here is "Sex Advice from Star Wars Fans" from Hilarious.

So Tom and Katie are engaged...

I dunno what to think about this: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are engaged. She's converting to his "religion." I guess if that makes you happy, who am I to complain? Honestly, I've never been a big fan of his (he's kinda annoying and obviously dumb for divorcing Nicole), so it's not a big stretch for me to call him weird. However, in case you want actual proof...

The weirdness that is "TomKat?"
1) His freakout on Oprah
2) The engagement after knowing each other 6 weeks
3) The fact she just got out of a 5 year relationship (and engagement) with Chris Klein
4) The fact she stammers when reporters ask her how they met- does she not remember??
5) She's supposedly not talking to her former friends
6) She has a scientology "minder" or "Best Friend" following her around
7) Tom Cruise's claim that Scientology has the only proven drug-rehab program
8) TC's claim that you don't need to medicate people ever for psych. illness
9) Etc.

The upside of this marriage? Well, they will have beautiful (albeit short and stupid) babies.

Edit: I should have mentioned in 5- that this can be an "official" part of scientology called "Disconnection" which occurs when they realize there are "suppressive" people in their lives. In other words, if you don't support scientology, they may be "forced" to cut you out of their lives entirely.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I've been a bad, bad girl...

and not in the good way. I forgot to post on June 4th, to wish Angelina a happy 30th birthday. So, although it is: Happy Birthday Angie!! I promise I can make it up to you... ;)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Ok, maybe real life isn't so bad afterall...

Today is my second day of work at my new job. So far, I haven't done anything. No really...I haven't done ANYTHING. I have a computer and so I have the internet. I have some journal articles I've been reading from the "reading list." However, the entire office has been in this working group meeting (yesterday and today) and so, I am left unattended. But, I get paid for I guess I can't complain. ;)

Last night I applied for and was approved for a "big kid" credit card. I'm super-excited. It'll be here in a week...wheee!

And, tonight I'm heading up to Philly to see my sister who is at Debate Nationals. I've never been to Philly before...and def. never driven there. Here's hoping I make it there and back.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Real Life Sucks

I locked my keys in my trunk. I don't seem to know where my spare set is...they could be in the car for all I know. Tomorrow I'm calling the locksmith...bleh.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Monday, June 06, 2005

I feel a little better now...

Let me just say that I *love* pics of celebs without makeup...

As a side note: Here you'll find some interesting body paint. There is the creative, the barely legal, and the just plain creepy.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The worlds ARE linked!

I've often wished for connections between the Star Wars and Farscape universes. As it turns out, they are connected. In Ep III there is an appearance by Tarkin who is played by none other than Wayne Pygram who played Scorpius on Farscape. I'm so happy...


What the cup sizes on bras really mean (From Truth in Cosmetic Surgery)

{A} Almost Boobs...
{B} Barely there.
{C} Can't Complain!
{D} Dang!
{DD} Double dang!
{E} Enormous!
{F} Fake.
{G} Get a Reduction.
{H} Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

What do you think?

Which of the 2 floorplans do you like better? B

or C

(They're both over 1000 sq ft.)

Friday, June 03, 2005

I have an apartment!

Today I signed a lease on a 1bdr apartment for this summer. It's so nice...I'm so excited! I still have this place till the 13th, so I have some time to move things over. That'll come in handy since school isn't done until Weds.
Of course, I'm only in this apartment for 2 months and the I'm moving into another one. Hooray for Chris moving to Baltimore!

Does this mean I'm "official?'

We had our White Coat Ceremony this week. My dad even flew out for the occasion and took a bunch of pictures (that will eventually find their way onto the site). I didn't expect to get emotional since I wasn't even that sad when I graduated from college and said goodbye to professors n stuff. However, at the end of the ceremony when we all put on our coats, I must admit, I was a bit misty-eyed. Honestly, having a bright, white coat with my name and my school logo embroidered onto it is intimidating and a bit of an eye-opener. Well, I won't get into that. I have a bunch of tests next hopefully they'll let me keep my coat. It would suck to get kicked out of school now...