The Ramblings of a Cuteasaurus

Monday, August 29, 2005

I wish I had something witty to say...

but I don't. My last day at work was Friday...and I kinda miss it. We had an "orientation" thing for school today and classes start tomorrow. Kortney is coming to visit this coming weekend and I am REALLY excited. It's been...shesh...a LONG time. But, before I can bask in my 3-day weekend, I have to make it through 4 days of classes. I was nervous and the meeting we had today actually made it worse. Thanks a lot. Remind me of how hard it's going to be and that we've chosen a difficult and demanding profession. *shakes head* I'm anxious, but trying to distract myself.

The only good news was that we were reminded that we get to be on-call for the first time this year. Ok...well not exactly "good news" cuz being on-call isn't pleasant, but good because it's on-call for an autopsy (to watch, not do or have one done to oneself). I'm really excited about seeing an autopsy and having a beeper will be kinda cool, though admit. the novelty will wear off quickly I'll bet. ;)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

So I was sitting alone at Hooters today...

Ok, I didn't end up being alone...I just almost was. Chris and I went there for my lunch break and he had to leave before the food came to make it back in time to let the cable hook-up guy in. So, I was going to have to hang out in Hooters and wait for the food by myself. Luckily we caught the waitress just in time to have her box it up (the food :P) and go. Let me say...having never been to a Hooters, it was "interesting." I didn't realize they wore these "support hose" under their shorts. Speaking of shorts...they were so bright orange! I had to keep telling myself not to stare. All in all, it was entertaining, though I felt strangely overdressed for my gender. ;)

Speaking of disturbing facts...check this out. But, be warned, you may not want to know about Britney Spears' sex life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's about time

They've FINALLY set a release date for Fiona Apple's new cd. This article does a pretty good job of summarizing what happened... in a nutshell- the record execs that be didn't want to release it, fans were angry, and a lot of it got leaked. But now, the official date is October 4th. Itunes has advance sales of a couple of the tracks. Rumor has it, the cd is very good. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm not surprised...too bad it took so long.

In other news, I'll be "home" from tomorrow until next Monday. (As a sign that one is "growing up" none of you will be in the area since everyone has moved away.) Riverboat Days is this weekend, so Friday I'll get to see some of my smaller siblings in a dance recital of sorts on the entertainment stage part of the outside "fair." I don't know what else we'll do, but it'll be nice to see my family since I haven't spent any time with them since ...March. Shesh. I'll have details of my visit to the land open spaces and blue skies upon my return.

After I get back on Monday I have less than a week of work before it's back to school. This year is supposed to be even harder. But of wouldn't be medical school if they didn't slowly increase the torture. ;)

Friday, August 12, 2005

I only meant to buy some pizza...

...but we ended up buying a tv. I went out to White Marsh to go to the Olive Garden with Corinna and I brought Chris along because we planned to go to Best Buy after. Well, dinner was fantastic (hooray for Sangria and salad and breadsticks and yummy pizza) and then Chris and I decided to try and make it over to Best Buy before it closed. We didn't arrive until approx 10 to 9 and it closes at 9, so I assumed we'd just browse and then leave. But, we found a tv that is exactly what we wanted and it was on clearance. So...we bought it. I had hoped it'd fit in the didn't. So, now it gets delivered Tuesday in its 30 inch, HDTV, 16:9 ratio glory. *drool*

Seriously, what a lot of monies we've spent in the last week...eep!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

More Furniture

We went back to IKEA yesterday to finish off some of the furniture shopping. I ordered the couch (to match the loveseat) and it will be delivered tomorrow...wheee!! I also bought a desk and the big set of shelves I've been lusting after...(yep, that's a dangling preposition- what are you gonna do about it? ;) ) It's looking more apartment-y all the time. Granted, there are still things to purchase, namely a tv and some beds. The tv is kinda tricky, since I want to get an HDTV compatible one so that I don't have to buy a new one when the cross-over is complete. I did some research, talked to Clarence and my parents (who recently bought tvs), and now I know what I want and the correct price range. It sounds like I'll be heading to Best Buy tomorrow to compare their selection and prices to others I've seen. There is no hurry since I do have a tv, but it's nice to know I will be able to purchase one if I find one on sale.

Anyway, the point is- as of Thursday (tomorrow!) things will be essentially all set-up and the place will be super-nice. Obviously some people are too far away to see it right now...but if you're in the area, consider this your "standing invitation" to come visit and/or stay for awhile. :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

They're here!!

Chris and Tye arrived on Saturday. Hooray! Saturday night was mostly "hanging out." Sunday morning I made a traditional eggs, bacon, and pancakes breakfast, so for the rest of Sunday (and a lot of Monday) the apartment smelled of bacon. On Sunday I tried to show Tye some of the cooler things in Baltimore, but there wasn't really much time for anything so hopefully he was at least mildly entertained. I drove Chris and Tye out to Towson to go to the mall and then we decided we wanted to go to the Wal-Mart I found last I get back on the interstate and drive back to Baltimore with the intention of going to White Marsh. Right before we get to White Marsh I realize that the Wal-Mart is actually in Towson so I make a loop to get back to where we started. That's right, it took me at least 1/2 hr (probably more like an hr) to drive a distance that should've taken 5 minutes. It's even more comical when you realize what an endeavor it is to drive from Towson to Baltimore to White Marsh back to Towson. I swear, sometimes I'm just not paying attention.
Early Monday morning, we took Tye to the airport for his first airplane ride. Then, it was time to go back home. Chris and I went to IKEA later that day...and we were there a LONG time. We emerged a coffee table, end table, tv stand, 4 chairs, sidebar, and dresser richer. We'll have to go back later for the couch, bookshelf (it was to big for my car), desk, and baker's rack. It seems like there are other things we need...but since I can't think of anything else, perhaps not. Chris had a lot of fun putting together all the furniture since he likened it to "grown-up legos." Things are still a little messy, but there is a lot more structure now at least.
I'm pretty tired too...but I suppose it's best that I'm at work since I'm going to need to get paid if I want to keep buying furniture... ;)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

What to do

What should be a pretty happy day (Chris and Tye will be here on Sat!) has actually turned out to be pretty depressing. I won't go into details, but suffice it to say I'm upset because someone very close to me is dating an idiot. And, it's getting more and more serious all the time. I have no idea what they even have in common because the only things they say to each other are sugary romantic fluff so sickening I want to throw up. But, maybe I could bite my tongue if it were just the annoying-ness of their exchanges. However, it is also his vapidness and vulgarness which lead me to wish that I could have the king send him to the frontlines. Ok, that was a little harsh...but seriously, he has absolutely nothing interesting to say...EVER. I wish I could explain to you how bad it is, but alas, no examples spring to mind. I'll be "on the lookout" next time I have to see him.

It kind of reminds me of that 70s show when Kelso says "college is for ugly girls who can't get modeling contracts" and Donna responds, "No, it's for women who don't want to marry the first guy (dumbass? I can't remember exactly) they meet and have their idiot children."

I'm terrified she's going to end up marrying this kid and having a pile of stupid foul-mouthed kids.

Ok, enough ranting for now, I wouldn't want to become like Eric. ;)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Sometimes it's good to share

Ok, this may seem "off-topic" (if that's even possible with my varied ramblings), but as the dr-in-training, I feel it is kinda my job to share useful pieces of information. While doing some research on an unrelated topic, I found this site which had the best description of emotional immaturity I've ever seen. This information is useful in either detecting areas of immaturity in yourself for the purpose of improving, or to understand people with these kinds of behaviors and motivations.

1. Volatile EmotionsEmotional volatility is indicated by such things as explosive behavior, temper tantrums, low frustration tolerance, responses out of proportion to cause, oversensitivity, inability to take criticism, unreasonable jealousy, unwillingness to forgive, and a capricious fluctuation of moods.
2. Over-DependenceHealthy human development proceeds from dependence (I need you), to independence (I don't need anyone), to interdependence (we need each other). Over-dependence is indicated by; a) inappropriate dependence, e.g. relying on someone when it is preferable to be self-reliant, and b) too great a degree of dependence for too long. This includes being too easily influenced, indecisive, and prone to snap judgments. Overly-dependent people fear change preferring accustomed situations and behavior to the uncertainty of change and the challenge of adjustment. Extreme conservatism may even be a symptom.
3. Stimulation HungerThis includes demanding immediate attention or gratification and being unable to wait for anything. Stimulation hungry people are incapable of deferred gratification, which means putting off present desires in order to gain a future reward. Stimulation hungry people are superficial and live thoughtlessly and impulsively. Their personal loyalty lasts only as long as the usefulness of the relationship. They have superficial values and are too concerned with trivia (their appearance, etc.). Their social and financial lives are chaotic.
4. EgocentricityEgocentricity is self-centeredness. It's major manifestation is selfishness. It is associated with low self-esteem. Self-centered people have no regard for others, but they also have only slight regard for themselves. An egocentric person is preoccupied with his own feelings and symptoms. He demands constant attention and insists on self-gratifying sympathy, fishes for compliments, and makes unreasonable demands. He is typically overly-competitive, a poor loser, perfectionistic, and refuses to play or work if he can't have his own way.
A self-centered person does not see himself realistically, does not take responsibility for his own mistakes or deficiencies, is unable to constructively criticize himself, and is insensitive to the feelings of others. Only emotionally mature people can experience true empathy, and empathy is a prime requirement for successful relationships.

Hopefully you'll find this info, if not useful, at least interesting. ;)

Hooray for surprises

Yesterday Emily invites me to go to a movie with a couple of our other female med school friends. She can't remember what the name is...but it has face in the title. Since we tend to go to movies at the Charles Theater, often we see "artsy" movies, so I didn't even try and guess what the movie was and just showed up at the appropriate time. We meet, buy tickets for "Saving Face" and go in. There were some awesome previews... "The Beat that My Heart Skipped" looks really good and I think it's about a guy whose dad runs/works for the mob and so he does too even though he wants to be a concert pianist. Anyway, the movie starts and it turns out that the movie is about these Chinese-Americans living in NYC. As the movie progresses, I realize the movie is primarily about Chinese lesbians. That's right, "Saving Face" is about relationships of which traditional Chinese would not approve...There are plenty of kissing scenes and even a couple sex scenes though really only one that "shows" anything (though it shows plenty). But all in all, it was a beautiful and touching movie. There are plenty of other story arcs, but I won't "ruin" the movie for those of you who might actually see this movie...both of you. ;)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Top Ten (my first ever!)

Ok, it's taken a bit of work to come up with this top ten, since I have never before thought of ranking my favorite songs. And, then the question of top ten songs for "what" comes up. Are they supposed to be the "best" songs or just the ones you like the most? In assessing my top ten, I've decided to go with a mix- mostly it's just songs I like, but there is also a heavy emphasis on lyrics that mean something and especially those that say it better than any other song on the subject.
1) Desire- U2
2) Paper Bag- Fiona Apple
3) I am the Highway- Audioslave
4) Deep- NIN
5) This is how my heart heard- Duncan Sheik
6) The World is Not Enough- Garbage
7) Heart-shaped Box- Nirvana
8) Lay Lady Lay- Ministry (The song itself should make it on the top 10, but I like Ministry's version the best)
9) Jessie's Girl- Rick Springfield
10) Untouchable Face- Ani DiFranco

Honorable Mentions: Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up, The Cars' Drive, and of course...Mexican Radio.